Impact Consulting Enterprises

Internship Recap & Design Compilation

Internship Overview

From June 2022 to August 2022, I worked as a design intern at Impact Consulting Enterprises, an award winning marketing consulting firm that aims to helpful minority businesses. There, I specialized in graphic design, motion design, web design, and video production. With these responsibilities, I created visual languages and identity for the firm itself, while creating promotion contents and landing pages to help other minority-owned businesses thrive.


Firm-wide Designer


8 Weeks


Summer 2022

Tools Used


Adobe Photoshop

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Premiere Pro

Cinema 4D

Project Content


The internship was a very fruitful learning experience. Other than the hard skills in graphic design and motion design, I also learned to be an effective communicator with my co-workers and stakeholders to resolve conflicts and reach agreements. In addition, I grew to be a self-starter and an effective project manager while juggling various responsibilities.